Detective Birthday Party, It's Party Time!
If you've missed all the fun details that went into planning the Detective Birthday Party, you can find parts one and two here: The Invite The Reveal Since the party involved a sleepover, we didn't want to pack the party full of "things to do" and pretty well just went with the flow. The boys were all very excited about the party and sleepover, as the sleepover was a first for all of them. Too excited to sleep in, they awoke bright and early at 6:00 the next morning to play the new board game! I'm sorry, I did not get a picture... I was asleep. They spent all morning playing together and the actual party (food and gifts) was held at noon. Before the boys could come to the official party, each child had to be fingerprinted and given his disguise. I was able to find goofy disguise glasses and little magnifying glasses at our local Dollar Tree. Then, I quickly threw together a little sheet for the finger printing at the "Finger Print Station"....